Monday, 22 March 2010

Stages of Treatment of Tumor

Mesothelioma is the term used for a tumor that affects the cells of mesothelioma in the lungs, abdominal organs or feelings. Physicians specializing in the treatment of patients with mesothelioma using the evaluation for the next stage of mesothelioma in its difficult situation. Supply analysis of cancer, and at a level that has been extended and generous? S age and the provision of public health services.

 Malignant mesothelioma is a malignant disease in the cells that constitute a dismissal of the prices of goods in the chest or stomach. Was working on four stages of malignant mesothelioma. Stage is a virgin and mesothelioma in the remaining three stages are mesothelioma dew. Mesothelioma, and called this issue, which is cancer of the lung and the diaphragm or the lining of the chest cavity. Patients in the first stage of the meeting mesothelioma cancer and surgically removed or pleurectomía decorticació or pneumonectomy extrapleural.

 In the second phase, was discovered the cancer has spread beyond the lining of the chest cavity. Stage antenna, the tumor extends upward in several areas of the injectable in the chest wall, and place of meeting in the chest, and love, and on the diaphragm. Treatment in the second phase, the query from the yoke of a quarter of mesotelio be made to cover the primary responsibility. Treatment of these stages did not test focuses on providing compensation darkness allergy symptoms, considering the use of nuclear weapons in general did not materialize. In the shape of the treatment includes thoracocentesis type of fluid that removes the basement of the chest, bleeding and swelling process of chemotherapy and radiation therapy or intended to alleviate the symptoms.

 In the fourth stage, the cancer is in the opposite way in which the cancerous growth, which means that the scene in other organs and tissues far from their original homeland in mesotelio pleural or peritoneal effusion. Patients who suffer from phase IV clinical problems browsing the latest in evaluating the potential of treatment in large medical centers. Department of concern is the angle to the dismay of his fellow patients. It is important that patients know that there are medicines available to treat effectively the effort of mesothelioma. The request discomfort or drug dependency and to discuss problems in their homes the company's cancer inconvenience.

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