Monday, 22 March 2010

Mesothelioma Explain The Stages of Cancer

Mesothelioma cancer is a cancer that attacks the lungs and chest cavity. Once better known thanks to asbestos lung cancer, a malignant tumor of epithelial cells of cancer instead of issuing a coating of a lack of confidence in the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. A type of lung cancer in childhood second is that many in the fashion and produce symptoms. About 3, 000 reported cases are in the same time (in large part on the virility of the age of 40). The estimated symbol respectively exploded near 300, 000 the situation before 2030.

 Asbestos Mesothelioma

 Epithelial mesothelioma is a non-normal and sensitive to accommodate the cancer of the lining of the chest cavity, and love, and the lungs and the abdominal cavity. Three forms of the competent epithelial mesothelioma: is the simplest with mesothelioma pleural mesothelioma and second, more formal, peritoneal mesothelioma (an exclusive residence of the cases), and rare effusion of training.

 Pleural mesothelioma, the most everyday type of the disease in the pleura, the thin membrane located between the lungs and chest cavity. Heel of the surface of lubricated lungs pleura Do not rub and irritate the control of the chest wall. Know onions are two types of pleural mesothelioma prime minister was "pervasive and insidious. Portentosa many times this type of cancer, and a step in the diagnosis and the second type is' translated large", and many times not - life-threatening. In general, you can remove the entire surgery.

 The lining of the lung cancer is to be released in duck lung cancer. The lining of the lung cancer, and to the affected area of the body is called mesotelio, a thin membrane that covers and abundance of the internal organs of the body. And mesotelio lungs called the pleura. Lung cancer and the lining is sometimes called mesothelioma, which occurred in the area occurs.

 This thin membrane is composed of two layers - which takes the body and expanded, and the formation of a bag on the first floor outside. Between the layers of sap mesotelio is required which allows for the railway vulnerable segment objects that come to the station in contact with them.

 Compiler pleural mesothelioma is not always caused by exposure to asbestos. However, if it has spread to other parts of the body, for example, lymph nodes, lungs, rib cage, or abdominal organs, and this is evil and not a lot of exposure to the end for 'asbestos.

 Peritoneal mesothelioma is caused by the presence of a tumor in the peritoneum of the stomach. This type of mesothelioma is a very cool, of which less than a quarter of all cases admitted to this disease. Compulsory treatment is eligible for this article, and understand most of the patients was lower than the one match the diagnosis.

 Mesentery cancer compared with cancer peritoneum (mesothelioma). This type of cancer mainly affects sections of the peritoneum that compounds from the various organs in the abdominal cavity wall (ie mesogastrio of covers, for the fast mesojejunum). Mesentery cancer includes all the accessories peritoneum in the abdomen. Tumors did not arise in the mesentery real, although it is a unit of frequency dissemination of mesothelioma in the abdominal cavity.

 Pericardial Mesothelioma is the rarest silhouette mesothelioma, read about the feelings of the membrane (called Pericardium Pericardial or bag). In this disease, and humanity, and stroke solid (juice) was born in all parts of Pericardium. Not all spills are exclusively associated with mesothelioma.


 Mesothelioma is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos fibers or dust. Part of the asbestos industry is the main objective to attract disease hair. Asbestos fibers enter the body, either on account of the microscopic asbestos fibers or by introducing them. Fiber to make healthy cells to turn into cancer. Because the body is unable to dispel these fibers, and the weakening of inflamed lung fibrosis (). This increases the parameters and eventually becoming malignant. Asbestos is designed to be open to introspection about 75% of cases of lung cancer lining.


 Mesothelioma cancer is an ideal hard to come by headmost stages. Symptoms primitive impulse to be general and are not difference, in some cases nonexistent, and you can do, largely because 15 to 50 years after the exposure setting. Core symptoms are frequent in the chest, stubborn poverty, followed by cough and lung of tobacco, and a lack of sensitivity. Patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the profile is less common), in general, and participation in the martyrdom of neglect of the strong desire in the abdomen, nausea and increased abdominal PostScript to frequent symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. May, in addition to the concern of the intestine matures or more of living in excess baggage.

 Stages and diagnosis of mesothelioma

 Competent three classification systems used for treatment of mesothelioma: Butchart system TNM system, and the Brigham

 Butchart staging system

 Butchart System is the oldest system and the power too. This system focuses on the design of the Virgo dough tumor mesothelioma and attention is divided into four stages.

 The first phase of the Butchart System consists of the health of mesothelioma in the lining of the lungs or equitable and one that can involve the diaphragm on the member itself. Phase II includes a grinding halt in the interest of mesothelioma in the chest, esophagus, lung, or lined with the responsibility of the parties. Professionals can also be the lymph nodes in the chest. Attack, which happened in the third stage begins when mesothelioma than the importance of the diaphragm or the lining of the peritoneal membrane in the abdomen hollow. At this stage can affect the lymphoma again to exceed those in the chest. Doctors determine the stage the fourth stage is inevitable when the authentication of the cancer has spread to other organs (metastasis) is confirmed.

 TNM system

 First stage of the TNM system affects the lining of the lungs or fly poorly, and Pericardium or diaphragm next to duplicate. At this stage, and lymph nodes were not involved. Phase II begins when mesothelioma spreads from the lining of the lungs from one side to the lymph node in the equivalent. At this stage, the cancer can spread again in the lung, Pericardium, or diaphragm on the side of the twins. Phase III begins when mesothelioma and contemporary chest wall muscles and ribs, and feelings and the esophagus or other organs in the chest in the same range of the primary tumor. In the previous phase, Phase IV, mesothelioma has traveled in the lymph nodes in the chest on the back of the primary tumor in the lung, unlike the primary tumor, or outside in the hardware of the abdominal cavity, or a kiss. Metastases is the last event of this period.

 Brigham System

 The system determines Brigham resectability (the ability to surgically void) comprehensive mesothelioma. In the first stage resectable tumor, lymph nodes, and duration of the crisis affected. In the second stage of the tumor is still a respectable, but mesothelioma affects the lymph nodes. In the third stage the tumor becomes possible. He was nailed penetrated the diaphragm, or peritoneum. Third stage is the involvement of lymph nodes can cause death or Schema, and extends to the chest wall and affection. Phase IV occurs when doctors determine the disease spread, and participation in remote devices.

 Because doctors determine the stage of the clemency 's malignant mesothelioma, compassion and the doctor to predict treatment options available to a multi-faceted. Mesothelioma treatment programs and are subject to many factors including the stage of cancer, the cancer, the spread of cancer mesothelioma, and characteristics of cancer cells under the microscope and cognition 's d' age and interests.

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