Friday, 26 March 2010

Stages of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a disease which is particularly strong medicine for the treatment of dark-traditional. About 80% of the cases were newly diagnosed lung cancer does not - this type of non-small cell (NSCLC). Most of these patients
 Have unresectable disease at the base of the disease or spread of various diseases locally. For the rest of the patients subject to this disease at an early stage when patients now locally supplied chose not to say up to the disease so far, still without surgery Pareil its forecast for healing.

 Less than 15% of all patients is expected to ultimately be cured of his illness. The changes that you have the type of care depends on this stage is a schoolgirl. Work on the 4 stages of lung cancer and each stage requires different treatments, but unfortunately, none of these treatments is no doubt overwhelming. Doctors can test for several miles to accurately stage lung cancer, including laboratory tests, and sugar - lightning, and computed tomography, and bone scans and magnetic resonance imaging.

 4 stages of lung cancer is

 1) Phase 1 of the disease - patients usually do not keep this first phase of most of the symptoms and treatment of surgical removal of the primary cover. Tumors are mostly from the father refractometer chest routine. Today, be detected many tumors chronology is still small, is no doubt outline ct. Of morbidity and growth patch disappearances in more advanced stages of the disease and amputation expanded. And five in total - of survival for patients around the clock the first stage resected NSCLC removal of approximately 75%.

 2) Stage 2 disease - the protection of patients T1 - 2N1 speak on behalf of a small subset in a wide range of this disease, often less than 10% of patients attending the surgery. And five in total - the survival of life for patients in stage 2 tumors is a cache of about 50 to 60%. At this stage, as well as the emergence of tumors in the pleura mediastinal swallowing, and the thunder, and the nerves, Pericardium, but not on the large mediastinal vessels or devices.

 3rd) Stage 3 of the disease - and treatment selected by the customer for patients in stage (3), circumcision is the House of Representatives through the disguise swollen mediastinal lobectomy dissected nodes. Hide the upper lobe tumor patients, anti-society. Sans Pareil predict conservation of all planted five - month survival rates as high 42% because when you are resected completely. Spiral CT (Connecticut) in the rate of 5 to survive the trick is nearly 30% intact after amputation surgery. Stage 3 patients contains B are not valid for work. Five - the survival of the week to cover sick
 T4 (Karina) N0 tumors trachea with pneumonectomy how much is reported for the accession of 20%.

 4) Phase 4 of this disease - surgery for this period and especially limited punk, and patients health veil unilateral tumor and resectable primary mobile contained in the chest is weak. Five - the survival of life in these patients 20% of membership. Uniform if it is not access to health care, has been extended to stay alive and the exceptional quality of life.

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