Friday, 26 March 2010

Treatment Lung Cancer in Different Stages

 Lung cancer is classified by type of tumor and stage of the disease may progress, it is irrelevant because of the composition determines the system to continue treatment.

 The licensing of four stages of cancer - Phase I to IV, fishing - all types of training, and metaphysics (which describes the type of cancer that is going to be admissible, but can not be inferred by using the diagnostic equipment).

 The first and the number one cancer in the first stage is a stage of stable progress to the fourth, which represents a danger to the generous wrap is ideal for the life and the final stage of the disease.

 The first and second treatment

 The formation of basic treatment is surgery and remove (or "cutting") of the tumor cancer.

 It is complementary to conventional therapy will be administered in the design of radiation treatment to follow up surgery. You can create sympathy is unable to resist the attack of the surgery because of his health, so that you can use radiation therapy alone to stop the tumor tissue.

 Phase III treatment

 Filed doctors several times more in the third stage patients into three sub-groups more - groups:

 1. Patients remaining large cache eclipse the third stage of the disease in the lymph nodes present abnormally in the mouth music - Clean or stream ct;

 2. Patients generally seek to remove cancerous lymph nodes, but despite all this, and

 3. Classic stage 3b patients with tumors dark portion size and presentation of lymph node disease.

 Patients in group 1 just to get cancer in the lymph nodes and distant surgery is unlikely to be free lunch in this case. The combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy can have surgery rather than conservative. The treatment is done repeatedly in the same time very parallel to each other, and thus produce a more desirable by patients, but side effects are worse for patients.

 Package 2 patients who could benefit from amputation surgery, but the contract terminal cancer in the details, can be followed to address the lace 1 before surgical intervention to cancel the additional tumors visible.

 3 patients in the combination can not bring to the arrival of additional surgery and advised to guide treatment after 1 cycle so that the degree of leakage if they have non-cancerous (alcohol, anything to stop cancer cells). If the leak occurs cancerous, patients may be receiving chemotherapy that no one is quite disturbing, and help (unfortunately, not consistently treat patients survive longer than patients stage IV division, or about 8 months).

 Phase IV therapy

 Patients in this stage to maintain two options - to throw or expel any of the burden of chemotherapy for the rest of the skin. Chemotherapy alone in improving survival rates of public life, and once again help to hide the management of patients with symptoms of the generous.


 The continuation stage of the disease is crucial in the formulation of a plan to shield surgical precision, the prospects and timetable quantum treatment in cases of emergency, in addition to his success and a great responsibility. Unparalleled response and the band is able to remove the tumor suddenly, thanks to the determination and at what treatments specific treatment should be buried. In many cases, perhaps owing to the use of a combination of treatments to restore the strong - the staging of lung cancer and tumor, which was reduced to recognize income skirmish surgical convincing habitats.

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